
Welcome to the website for Crossfit Denton County's first annual May Day Challenge! The premise behind the May Day Challenge is simple. We are going to meet at Crossfit Denton County on the morning of Memorial Day, Monday the 30th, and perform 3 Girl WODs over the course of the day. No surprises, no tricks, just 3 Girl WODs that you know and love! There will be both an Rx'd and a Scaled division.

A portion of the proceeds will be donated to Champions of Hope, a mentorship program aimed at providing at-risk students in the Dallas area with caring, positive role models who will walk with them from 4th/5th grade until high school graduation. Please take a look at their website at http://www.championsofhopedallas.org/

Monday, May 30, 2011

May Day Challenge Complete!

The May Day Challenge is now complete! I would sincerely like to thank everyone who helped out and everyone who donated. It was a really fun time and I hope everyone else enjoyed it as much as I did.

Leading the pack in the scaled division was our own young competitor Rocky Kern. Rocky put up excellent performances in all 3 WODs. In second place was another CFDC veteran, Kelli Green. In third place was Nels Jacobson. Today was only Nels' second day of Crossfit! Congratulations to all of these athletes.

In the elite division, third place was taken by Jerid Hunt, followed by Casey Caudle in second place and Willie McLendon in first place. There was some tight competition going on between Casey and Willie. Casey started off the day with a killer 1:59 on Grace. Willie then pulled ahead on Helen with a time of 8:19. They were both tied going into the final workout. Casey plowed through the squats in Cindy, but Willie had the upper hand on pullups and pushups. In the end, Casey reached 19 Rounds + 8 pushups and Willie achieved 21 Rounds + 8 squats. Another fun fact, Willie PR'd on all of the workouts. Awesome job to all of these athletes!

Again, thank you and God bless to everyone who participated. I will see all of you at the gym!


Friday, May 27, 2011

Event Schedule

I hope everyone is having a great week! The following is the schedule for Monday's event. I encourage everyone who's not competing to come out and help judge or support those who are competing. It will be a great time to socialize with the community!

8:00am - Standards meeting / Judge's meeting

8:30am - WOD 1 "Grace"

10:00am - WOD 2 "Helen"

12:00pm - WOD 3 "Cindy"

1:00pm - Dismissal

Be sure and arrive a little early because the meeting will be at 8am sharp. Immediately after the standards meeting the athletes will warm up and we will hold a judge's meeting. All competitors will be allowed to come and go as they please. We will be following this schedule strictly, so just be sure you return in time for your workout!

If you are not interested in competing but would still like to donate to Champions of Hope, please let me know and I can arrange something for you. See you Monday!


Sunday, May 1, 2011

Events Announced

We are now 2 weeks away from the 2011 May Day Challenge, so without further ado, here are the competition's workouts...

"Grace" For Time:
30 Clean & Jerks

The weight will be 135# for men and 95# for women (Scaled: 95# for men and 65# for women). The weight will need to get from the floor to overhead any way possible, which may be a clean and jerk, a snatch, clean and push press, etc... Further details on the standards will be revealed on game day.

"Helen" 3 Rounds for Time:
400m Run
21 Kettlebell Swings
12 Pullups (Scaled: 12 Ring Rows)

The kettlebell weight will be #55 for men and #35 for women (Scaled: 35# for men and 18# for women). Arms must remain straight throughout the duration of the swing and end fully extended overhead. The kettlebell will be allowed to "sag". On the pullups, your chin must break the horizontal plane of the bar and your arms must be fully extended at the bottom. Butterfly pullups are allowed as long as it is clear that you are above the bar at the top. On the ring rows, your feet must be directly underneath the bar supporting the rings and your legs must be straight. Your arms must be fully extended at the bottom and your hands must reach your chest at the top. "Kipping" ring rows will be allowed.

"Cindy" AMRAP 20:00-
5 Pullups (Scaled: 5 Ring Rows)
10 Pushups
15 Squats

Same standard on the pullups and ring rows as in Helen. For the pushups, you must be flat on the ground at the bottom and have your arms fully locked out at the top. Kipping pushups or "worming" pushups will be allowed. For the squats, your hips crease must come below your knees at the bottom, and achieve full hip extension at the top.

Further details will be announced as we approach competition day. The workouts will be performed in this order. When you check in that morning, you will inform us whether you will perform the workouts as prescribed or scaled.

I look forward to seeing all of you there!